- Configuration — A Configuration specifies how the container is configured (logging, security, data sources, location where to put deployables, etc).
- Configuration properties — Properties to configure a container (request port, shutdown port, logging level, threads, etc)
- Custom Configuration — A user-provided configuration to use instead of the default Cargo-provided ones
- Local Configuration — A configuration for a container that is running on the local machine where Cargo is executing
- Custom File Configurations
- Existing Local Configuration — Re-use an existing container installation
- Standalone Local Configuration — Configures your container in a specific directory
- Configuration files option — The configuration files are the files to add to your container's configuration. It is internally used by some containers and is accessible for you can to add extra files.
- DataSource and Resource Support
- XML replacements — The XML replacements option allows you to modify XML files of your container's configuration using XPath statements.
- Runtime Configuration — A configuration for a container that is already started
- Container — A top level interface wrapping a real physical container
- Container Instantiation — Create a container instance
- Local Container — A container executing on the machine where Cargo executes
- Container Classpath — How to configure the executing container's classpath
- Application Classpath — How to configure the classpath of the application without changing the container's own classpath
- JBoss 7.x onwards and WildFly container classpath
- Container Start — Start a container that is not already running
- Container Stop — Stop a running container
- Container Timeout — Timeout after which the container start/stop is deemed failed
- Embedded Container — A container executing in the same JVM where Cargo is running
- Installed Container — A container installed on the machine where Cargo executes.
- Installer — Installs a container
- Passing system properties — How to pass system properties that will be available to the container while executing
- Container Classpath — How to configure the executing container's classpath
- Remote Container — A container that is already running on some machine (local or remote)
- Debugging — Explain how to perform debugging when something doesn't work in Cargo
- Deployment — How to deploy components to a container
- Deployable — Deployables are archives (WAR, EAR, etc) that can be deployed in the container
- Deployer — Performs a hot deployment of a Deployable
- Local Deployer — Performs a hot deployment of a Deployable on a locally installed container
- Remote Deployer — Performs a hot deployment of a Deployable on a container running on a remote machine
- Hot Deployment — Ability to deploy/undeploy Deployables into a running container
- JSR88 — JSR88-compliant containers support
- Remote deployments to GlassFish 6.x onwards and to recent Payara versions — How to perform deployments to a remote GlassFish 6.x and later containers, as well as to recent versions of Payara
- Static Deployment
- Static deployment of EAR — Deploy an EAR that will be started when the container starts
- Static deployment of EJB — Deploy an EJB (any version) that will be started when the container starts
- Static deployment of expanded WAR — Deploy an expanded WAR that will be started when the container starts
- Static deployment of OSGi Bundles — Deploy an OSGi bundle that will be started when the container starts
- Static deployment of RAR — Deploy a Java EE resource adapter (RAR) that will be started when the container starts
- Static deployment of WAR — Deploy a WAR that will be started when the container starts
- Deploying legacy WARs to Tomcat 10.x onwards — Tomcat 10.x onwards uses Jakarta EE, which is not backwards compatible with J2EE / Java EE.
- Extensions — Extensions are additions to the Cargo core Java API such as build tool plugins, IDE plugins, etc
- Ant support — Cargo provides Ant tasks to perform all the operations available from the Java API. The minimum supported version is Ant 1.9.15.
- Cargo Daemon
- Maven 3 Plugin — A Maven 3 plugin that wraps the Cargo Java API. Though there are no minimum version requirements, all building, continous testing and release activities are performed using Maven 3.2.5 and onwards so we would recommend you have that installed.
- Module API — API to manipulate J2EE archives, including vendor-specific deployment descriptors
, multiple selections available,
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