Standalone Local Configuration

Standalone Local Configuration


Configures your container in a specific directory


The standalone configuration allows configuring your container so that it is setup to start in a directory you choose (see the configuration page for more general explanations).

Whenever you configure or start a container which uses a standalone configuration, Cargo will:

The reason for this behavior is reproducibility which is for example very useful for automated testing. If you wanted to keep a generated configuration you could ask Cargo to generate a standalone configuration once and then consider it an existing configuration.

Java API

There are different ways of using a standalone configuration:

  • By directly instantiating the configuration matching your container. For example:
Unknown macro: {snippet}
  • By using the DefaultConfigurationFactory which automatically maps the right implementation for the container you're using. For example:
Unknown macro: {snippet}

Ant Task

<cargo containerId="resin3x" [...]>
  <configuration type="standalone" home="target/resin3x"/>

Maven 3 Plugin


Note that the standalone configuration is the default for the Maven plugin so specifying only the following would also work:


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