A Configuration specifies how the container is configured (logging, security, data sources, location where to put deployables, etc).
Configuration != Installation
The notion of Configuration is different from the notion of Installation. When you install a container, it is usually also configured by default to start and deploy files from where it is installed. However all containers support customizing configuration settings and even use a different location where the configuration resides.
There are 2 main types of Configurations:
- Local Configuration: You use a local configuration when you're using a Local Container. There are 2 local configuration types: Standalone Local Configuration and Existing Local Configuration.
- Runtime Configuration: You use a runtime configuration when you want to access your container as a black box through a remote protocol (JMX, etc). Whereas a local configuration allows you to tune almost all aspects of a container, a runtime configuration only supports configuring container properties that can be modified remotely.
Support Matrix
Java | Ant | Maven 3 |
Configuration features
- Configuration properties — Properties to configure a container (request port, shutdown port, logging level, threads, etc)
- Custom Configuration — A user-provided configuration to use instead of the default Cargo-provided ones
- Local Configuration — A configuration for a container that is running on the local machine where Cargo is executing
- Runtime Configuration — A configuration for a container that is already started
, multiple selections available,
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