Existing Local Configuration

Existing Local Configuration


Re-use an existing container installation


An existing configuration plugs itself onto an existing container installation that exists on your hard disk. This is by opposition to the Standalone Local Configuration which creates a new container installation from scratch in a directory of your choice. Existing configurations require that the user creates a valid configuration directory and points Cargo to it.

Whenever you configure or start a container which uses an existing configuration, Cargo will:

As a result, Cargo will not be configuring the configuration properties nor the data sources and resources on your container; these need to be configured beforehand.

Please note that this method does not guarantee reproducibility, as the configuration is not "cleaned" at any point. If you want to keep a generated configuration you can ask Cargo to generate a standalone configuration once and then consider it an existing configuration.

Support Matrix



Maven 3




Java API

There are different ways of using an existing configuration:

  • By directly instantiating the configuration matching your container. For example:
Configuration configuration = new ResinExistingLocalConfiguration("target/resin3x");
  • By using the DefaultConfigurationFactory which automatically maps the right implementation for the container you're using. For example:
ConfigurationFactory factory = new DefaultConfigurationFactory();
Configuration configuration = factory.createConfiguration("resin3x", 
    ContainerType.INSTALLED, ConfigurationFactory.EXISTING, "c:/apps/resin-3.0.9");

Ant Task


<cargo containerId="resin3x" [...]>
  <configuration type="existing" home="c:/apps/resin-3.0.9"/>

Maven 3 Plugin


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