Runtime Configuration
Runtime Configuration
A configuration for a container that is already startedExplanation
This configuration represents a container that is already running somewhere, be it on the same machine as Cargo or not, that might have been started by Cargo or not. Cargo accesses that container using a remote access protocol and the container is considered as a black box.
This configuration is typically used in order to remotely deploy applications.
Support Matrix
Java | Ant | Maven 3 |
Java API
There are different ways of using a runtime configuration:
- By directly instantiating the configuration matching your container. For example:
[...] Configuration configuration = new TomcatRuntimeConfiguration(); [...]
- By using the
which automatically maps the right implementation for the container you're using. For example:
[...] ConfigurationFactory factory = new DefaultConfigurationFactory(); Configuration configuration = factory.createConfiguration("tomcat5x", ContainerType.REMOTE, ConfigurationType.RUNTIME); [...]
Ant Task
<cargo containerId="tomcat5x" [...]> <configuration type="runtime"/> [...] </cargo>
Maven 3 Plugin
[...] <container> <containerId>tomcat5x</containerId> [...] </container> <configuration> <type>runtime</type> </configuration> [...]
Note that the Maven 3 Archetype showing remote deployer support is a complete and easy-to-use example for remote deployment. Please read: Webapp Creation and Remote Deployment Archetype.