


Performs a hot deployment of a Deployable


You use a Deployer when you wish to deploy a Deployable into a running container (this is known as Hot Deployment). There are 2 types of Deployers:

  • Local Deployer: A local deployer deploys in a locally installed container. Usually, local deployers use the file system to perform the deployment by copying the deployable to a container-specific target directory.
  • Remote Deployer: A remote deployer is used to deploy to a container that can be on the same machine or on some remote machine. Deploying remotely requires passing information such as username and password of the user to use for deploying, etc. These information are passed using a Runtime Configuration.

Deployer features

  • Local DeployerPerforms a hot deployment of a Deployable on a locally installed container
  • Remote DeployerPerforms a hot deployment of a Deployable on a container running on a remote machine

Example using the Java API

To instantiate a Deployer you need to know its class name. A Deployer is specific to a container (you can find the class names on the container page listing all containers).

The deployment is done using one of the Deployer.deploy(...) APIs. Some deploy(...) signatures accept a DeployableMonitor which is used to wait till the container has not finished deploying. Cargo currently offers a URLDeployableMonitor which waits by polling a provided URL (see below in the example). Whent the URL becomes available the monitor considers that the Deployable is fully deployed. In the future, Cargo will provide other DeployableMonitor such as a Jsr88DeployableMonitor.

Example without using a DeployableMonitor

Hot-deploying a WAR on Resin 3.0.9 without waiting for the deployment to finish:

InstalledLocalContainer container = new Resin3xInstalledLocalContainer(
    new Resin3xStandaloneConfiguration("target/resin3x"));


DeployableFactory factory = new DefaultDeployableFactory();
WAR war = factory.createDeployable(container.getId(), "path/to/my.war",

Deployer deployer = new ResinDeployer(container);

Please note that the Deployer.deploy() method call does not wait for the Deployable to be fully deployed before returning.

Example using a URLDeployableMonitor

Hot-deploying an WAR on Resin 3.0.9 and waiting for the deployment to finish:

InstalledLocalContainer container = new Resin3xInstalledLocalContainer(
    new Resin3xStandaloneConfiguration("target/resin3x"));


DeployableFactory factory = new DefaultDeployableFactory();
WAR war = factory.createDeployable(container.getId(), "path/to/my.war",

Deployer deployer = new ResinDeployer(container);
deployer.deploy(war, new URLDeployableMonitor("http://server:port/some/url"));

The http://server:port/some/url must point to a resource that is serviced by the Deployable being deployed.

Example using the Ant tasks

Starting from Codehaus Cargo version 1.1.0, the Ant tasks gained support for remote deployers. Here's a full example showing how to deploy a WAR to a remote Tomcat 6.x container.

<taskdef resource="cargo.tasks">
    <pathelement location="path/to/cargo-uberjar.jar"/>
    <pathelement location="path/to/cargo-ant-tasks.jar"/>

<cargo containerId="tomcat6x" action="deploy" type="remote">
  <configuration type="runtime">
    <property name="cargo.hostname" value="production27"/>
    <property name="cargo.servlet.port" value="8080"/>
    <property name="cargo.remote.username" value="admin"/>
    <property name="cargo.remote.password" value=""/>
    <deployable type="war" file="path/to/simple-war.war">
      <property name="context" value="application-context"/>

For more details, please check the example in the Remote Container section for the ANT tasks The. ANT tasks support the deployer actions deploy, undeploy and redeploy.

Maven 3 plugin

Please see the Deploying to a running container for a concrete example and the Maven 3 Plugin Reference Guide's <deployer> section for full documentation.

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