Maven 3 Plugin Reference Guide

Maven 3 Plugin Reference Guide

Reference Guide

These are the various XML configuration elements that you can use to configure the Cargo Maven 3 plugin. Make sure you also check the Maven 3 Archetypes which contain practical examples on how to use some of them.

Top level configuration elements



Default value


Definition of a Configuration

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Defaults to a standalone configuration if the container is of type local and a runtime one if it's of type remote


Definition of a Container

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Defaults to a Jetty 9.x installed local container if not specified


Definition of a Deployer

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Defaults to a deployer matching the container's type if none is specified (installed local deployer for an installed container, remote deployer for a remote container and embedded local deployer for an embedded container)


A list of deployables that are going to be deployed in the container when it is started or when cargo:deploycargo:undeploy is called.

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If the project's packaging is warear or ejb, the generated artifact is added automatically to the list of deployables to deploy. If you wish the generated artifact not to be added to the deployables list, just add an empty <deployer/> element.


Additional configuration that is used when deploying with the Cargo Daemon.

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For more information, please read: Cargo Daemon.


Set this to true to bypass the executions of the Codehaus Cargo Maven 3 plugin.

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Defaults to false, you can also steer it using the system property cargo.maven.skip


Set this to true to make the mojo ignore failures, so that Maven 3 can still progress through on integration tests with more than one container domain started.

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Defaults to false, you can also steer it using the system property cargo.ignore.failures

Set this to true to display the log message category prefixes, which could help diagnosing issues.

Since Codehaus Cargo Maven 3 Plugin version 1.10.11 onwards.

(thumbs down)Defaults to false, you can also steer it using the system property cargo.maven.useLogCategoryPrefix

<configuration> elements



Default value


List of Configuration files that are to be added to a local container's configuration. Each file is specified using a <configfile> element. Cargo token replacement is applied to the files and any existing file is overwritten.

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No default


List of files that are to be added to a local container's configuration. Each file is specified using a <file> element.

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No default


For standalone configuration this is the location where Cargo will create the configuration and for existing configuration this is where it is located.

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Full classname of a custom configuration implementation to use. In that case the custom configuration is registered with the <containerId> and <type> specified.

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Defaults to the Cargo-provided implementation if not specified


Values to use for various Configuration properties.

You can also use the <propertiesFile> element to load configuration properties from a file.

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Default configuration properties

Note that these configuration properties can also be overriden using Java properties; for example:

mvn -Dcargo.servlet.port=8082 cargo:start

In addition to this, properties can also be set using the Maven 3 settings.xml file. See the setting configuration options via the Maven settings.xml section for details.


Values to use for various XML replacements.

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No default


Configuration's type. Valid values are standalone, existing and runtime.

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<users>List of users to be created in container configuration.

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No default

<datasources>List of datasources to be created in container configuration.

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No default

<container> elements



Default value


If true, then the file specified by <output> will not be erased across different runs.

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Id of the container to use. Valid values can be found in the description page for each container.

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Container context key, which can be used for two purposes:

  1. Start, stop, configure or deploy to the same Cargo container (together with its configuration) from different Maven artifacts.
  2. Inject configuration properties via the Maven settings.xml file, as explained in the setting configuration options via the Maven 3 settings.xml section.

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No reusable default

The Cargo Maven 3 plugin will actually generate a unique context key for each container based on the container and configuration's type and home - Which is not meant to be reused by end users.


List of extra dependencies or shared dependencies that will be added to the container or applications execution classpath.

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No default


Location where the container is installed. If specified in conjunction with the <zipUrlInstaller> or <artifactInstaller> element, it will override the home directory defined by the installer.

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No default

If the user has not defined any home, <zipUrlInstaller> nor <artifactInstaller> element then the plugin will automatically attempt to download the container using the URL used by its tests (see the Tested On section of each container).


Full classname of a custom container implementation to use. In that case, the custom container is registered with the <containerId> and <type> specified.

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Defaults to the Cargo-provided implementation if not specified


Path to a file where Cargo logs are saved.

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Logs to the Maven 3 console if no log file is specified


Path to a file where container logs are saved.

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Logs to the file specified by the <log> element or to the Maven 3 console if no such file has been specified


List of <key>value</key> pairs to be passed as System properties to the container when it is started.

You can also use the <systemPropertiesFile> element to load system properties from a file.

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No default


The timeout after which Cargo reports an error if the container is not started or stopped.

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120000 ms (2 minutes)


The container's type. Valid values are installed, embedded and remote.

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Default value is installed unless the <containerId> has not been specified, in which case the default is to use the Jetty 9.x installed local container.


Defines the location of a container distribution zip that will be downloaded and installed.

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No default

If the user has not defined any home, <zipUrlInstaller> nor <artifactInstaller> element then the plugin will automatically attempt to download the container using the URL used by its tests (see the Tested On section of each container).


Defines the location of a container Maven 3 artifact that will be downloaded and installed.

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No default

If the user has not defined any home, <zipUrlInstaller> nor <artifactInstaller> element then the plugin will automatically attempt to download the container using the URL used by its tests (see the Tested On section of each container).

<deployer> elements



Default value


Deployer implementation class. Usage of this option is not recommended, please prefer type instead.

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No default


The deployer's type.

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Defaults to a deployer matching the container's type if none is specified (installed local deployer for an installed container, remote deployer for a remote container and embedded local deployer for an embedded container)

<configfile> elements



Default value


The configuration file or directory containing configuration files.

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No default


The target directory, relative to configuration home, where the file should be copied.

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If not specified, the file will be copied to the configuration's home directory


The target file name to use.

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The original file name

<file> elements



Default value


The file, or directory, to add

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No default


The target directory, relative to configuration home, where the file should be copied

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If not specified, the file will be copied to the configuration's home directory


The target file name to use

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The original file name


Indicates if Cargo token replacement should be applied (true) when copying. Do not use this option on a non-ascii file as it will corrupt it!

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If any existing file should be overwritten or not

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<deployable> elements



Default value


Maven 3 artifact id for the module. This artifact id must match either the project's artifact id if your project generates a J2EE artifact (WAR, EAR, EJB and RAR) or it must match a specified <project>/<dependencies>/<dependency> artifact id

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Defaults to the project's artifact id


Maven 3 group id for the module. This group id must match either the project's group id if your project generates a J2EE artifact (WAR, EAR, EJB and RAR) or it must match a specified <project>/<dependencies>/<dependency> group id

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Defaults to the project's group id


Deployable implementation class. Usage of this option is not recommended, please prefer type instead.

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No default


Path location where the module can be found

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Default's to the project's generated artifact location or to the specified <project>/<dependencies>/<dependency> location


URL on which to ping the deployed or undeployed application (to check if deployment or undeployment is successful), that should return an HTTP OK response only after the deployment is complete. If not set, the deployed or undeployed application will not be pinged, hence the deployment considered as complete as soon as the target server's method returns successfully.

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No default


URL path used to ping the deployed or undeployed application. It has similar functionality as <pingURL>, but in this case there is omitted protocol, server and port informations - they are retrieved from container configuration. For example for the URL http://localhost:8080/cargo its URL path is just /cargo.

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No default


If <pingURL> is set, the number of milliseconds after which the ping fails the build if still not successful.

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20000 (i.e., 20 seconds)


User-defined properties of a deployable.

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No default


Maven 3 type for the module. This type must match either the project's packaging if your project generates a J2EE artifact (WAR, EAR, EJB and RAR) or it must match a specified <project>/<dependencies>/<dependency> type

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Defaults to the project's packaging

<properties> elements

 Deployable Type



Default value



The context name to use when deploying the web application.

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Default's to the artifact's ${artifactId}



The path of the WAR being deployed.

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Default's to the project's generated artifact location



The path of the EAR being deployed.

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Default's to the project's generated artifact location



The name of EAR deployable (it can be anything, there's no special rule).

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Default's to the artifact's ${artifactId}



The path of the EJB being deployed.

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Default's to the project's generated artifact location

About WAR contexts

Many containers have their specific files for redefining context roots (Tomcat has context.xml, JBoss has jboss-web.xml, etc.). If your WAR has such a file, the server will most probably use the context root defined in that file instead of the one you specify using the CARGO deployer.

<dependency> elements



Default value


Maven 3 artifact id of the dependency. This artifact id must match a specified <project>/<dependencies>/<dependency> artifact id

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Defaults to the project's artifact id


Maven 3 group id of the dependency. This group id must match a specified <project>/<dependencies>/<dependency> group id

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Defaults to the project's group id


Maven 3 artifact type of the dependency. This type must match a specified <project>/<dependencies>/<dependency> type

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Defaults to the project's packaging


Target classpath, either extra (default) or shared. Shared application classpath deployment is only available for local containers which support shared Application Classpaths.

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extra (container classpath)


The path of a folder or a jar file you wish to add to deployable classpath. This element can be used to explicitly add entries to the classpath. For example:


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If the groupId and artifactId match those of the project then the deployable is the artifact generated by the project. Otherwise the location is the location of the dependency in your local repository.

<zipUrlInstaller> elements



Default value


URL from which to download the container's ZIP or TAR.GZ file.

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No default


Directory in which the zipUrlInstaller should download the container's ZIP or TAR.GZ file.

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Directory in which the zipUrlInstaller should extract the container's ZIP or TAR.GZ file.

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Proxy server settings, if required.

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No default

Automatic proxy settings

Note that Codehaus Cargo will by default reuse existing Maven 3 proxy configuration, so you won't need to type the proxy settings for the zipUrlInstaller element.

<proxy> elements (under the zipUrlInstaller element)



Default value


Proxy host name or IP address.

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No default


Proxy port.

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Very probably 80


User name to connect to the proxy server.

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No default


Password to connect to the proxy server.

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No default

<artifactInstaller> elements



Default value


Group id.

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No default


Artifact id.

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No default



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No default


Artifact type.

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No default


Directory in which the artifactInstaller should extract the container's ZIP or TAR.GZ file.

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<user> elementsDescriptionMandatory?Default value
<name>User name.

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No default
<password>User password.

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No default

List of roles which should be assigned to user.

Example of roles configuration:


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No default

<datasource> elementsDescriptionMandatory?Default value
<jndiName>JNDI name where to find this DataSource.

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No default

Type of this DataSource, for example "javax.sql.XADataSource"

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No default
Transaction support of the datasource, for example "XA_TRANSACTION"

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No default
<driverClass>The class name of the Driver, for example "org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"

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No default
<url>DataSource connection URL.

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No default
<username>DataSource username.

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No default
<password>DataSource password.

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Empty string
<id>Id used in configuration files.

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No default
<connectionProperties>Extra properties passed to the DataSource.

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No default

Daemon configuration

The Cargo Daemon is a Web-based application that uses the Cargo API to configure, start and stop containers on a remote machine. The daemon is meant to be listening 24/7, to allow users to deploy new containers and web applications at their command. For more information, please read: Cargo Daemon.

Container configuration for the Daemon

For the Maven plugin, the "daemonized server" is actually a local container with a hostname that points to a remote machine. This implies that:

  • You should not set the container type to a remote container nor add any remote deployers to the configuration; but instead define the container as a local container (with either a standalone or existing configuration)
  • When you define the home paths for the container and the configuration, remember these paths are for the machine where the Daemon is running (and, preferably, use absolute paths)

When you call cargo:daemon-start, the Maven 3 plugin will do the following:

  • If an installer is defined:
    • Download the archive locally
    • Send the archive over to the machine running the Daemon
    • Instruct the Daemon to extract the archive
  • If a standalone local configuration is defined, instruct the Daemon to create it
  • In all cases:
  • Finally, instruct the Daemon to start the container

<daemon> elements



Default value


A list of <classpath>myclasspath</classpath> items, that will be added by the JVM launcher when starting a container.

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No default


A list of properties used to configure the Cargo Daemon.

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No default

<properties> elements



Default value


URL to connect with the daemon.

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No default


The handle id to register this container with.

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No default


When set to true, the dameon will automatically restart the container if the daemon notices it is stopped.

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<cargo.daemon.username>Username used when authenticating against the daemon host(thumbs down)admin
<cargo.daemon.password>Password used when authenticating against the daemon host(thumbs down)"" (empty String)

Setting configuration options via the Maven 3 settings.xml

The Cargo Maven 3 plugin also allows you to define container configuration properties using the settings.xml file. This way, you can for example store properties like usernames and passwords in a centralized location (as opposed to pom.xml files).

First, add the configuration properties you would like in your settings.xml file's <servers> section:


Then, in the Cargo plugin's configuration, do either of the following in order to inject the configuration properties that you have previously defined in the settings.xml file:

  • Define a container <contextKey> attribute
    ... or
  • Use the cargo.server.settings property in  the container configuration

Here comes an example with the second technique:


In this case, the plugin will internally "expand" the configuration into:


Careful with properties set in the POM

Priority for property values are as follows:

  1. First and highest priority (i.e., will always override all below): Properties set using environment variables
  2. Second priority: Properties set in the <configuration> of the Maven 3 plugin (following Maven's own override rules for configurations set across parents, executions, etc.)
  3. Third priority: Properties loaded from a file
  4. Fourth priority: Properties set in the POM
  5. Fifth priority: Properties that should be loaded using the cargo.server.settings option
  6. Sixth priority: Properties that should be loaded using <contextKey> option
  7. Seventh and lowest priority: Default properties set by the container itself

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