Static deployment of expanded WAR

Static deployment of expanded WAR


Deploy an expanded WAR that will be started when the container starts

Example using the Java API

InstalledLocalContainer container = new Resin3xInstalledLocalContainer(
    new Resin3xStandaloneConfiguration("target/resin3x"));

Deployable war = new WAR("some/expanded/war/directory");


Example using the Ant tasks

Starting Tomcat 7.x with a WAR to deploy:

<cargo containerId="tomcat7x" home="C:/Program Files/Apache/Apache Tomcat 7.0.68" action="start">
  <configuration home="C:/Tomcat/7.0.68_BASE">
    <deployable type="war" file="some/expanded/war/directory">
      <property name="context" value="application-context"/>

Example using the Maven 3 plugin

Here is the plugin configuration defining a Tomcat 7.x container with a WAR to deploy expanded:


            Override location to point to the exploded webapp.

For more information...

For more information about how deployment in CARGO works, please read:

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