Static deployment of EAR

Static deployment of EAR


Deploy an EAR that will be started when the container starts

Example using the Java API

Starting JOnAS 5.x with an EAR to deploy:

InstalledLocalContainer container = new Jonas5xInstalledLocalContainer(
    new OrionStandaloneConfiguration("target/jonas5x"));

Deployable ear = new EAR("src/data/some.ear");


Example using the Ant tasks

Starting JOnAS 5.x with an EAR to deploy:

<cargo containerId="jonas5x" home="c:/apps/jonas-full-5.2.1" action="start">
    <deployable type="ear" file="src/data/some.ear"/>

Example using the Maven 3 plugin

Here is the plugin configuration defining a JOnAS 5.x container with an EAR to deploy:



For more information...

For more information about how deployment in Codehaus Cargo works, please read:

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