Deploying legacy WARs to Tomcat 10.x onwards

Deploying legacy WARs to Tomcat 10.x onwards


Tomcat 10.x onwards uses Jakarta EE, which is not backwards compatible with J2EE / Java EE.

To ease migration, a Jakarta EE migration tool is part of Tomcat, and through the legacyAppBase configuration property allows automatic conversion of legacy WARs to Jakarta EE WARs.

Codehaus Cargo 1.10.14 introduced a functionality to benefit for the same, by providing a property called version on Deployable objects, to specify whether it is j2ee, javaee or jakartaee and enable the Tomcat deployer to handle it accordingly:

Example using the Java API

LocalContainer container = new Tomcat10xInstalledLocalContainer(
    new Toncat10xStandaloneConfiguration("target/tomcat10x"));

Deployable war = new WAR("src/data/some.war");


Example using the Ant tasks

<cargo containerId="tomcat10x" home="c:/tomcat/tomcat-10.1.23" action="start">
    <deployable type="war" file="path/to/some-war.war">
      <property name="version" value="javaee"/>

Example using the Maven 3 plugin



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