Container Start

Container Start


Start a container that is not already running

This feature is only available for local containers


First you need to create a container instance.

Once you have this container instance, starting the container is as simple as calling the start() method. Before doing this though you'll need to ensure you have defined the container's home (if you're using a container in standalone mode - It's not required for containers in embedded mode).

Of course it you wish to statically deploy archives, you'll need to add deployables to the container.

It is important to note that the LocalContainer.start() method will wait until the container is fully started before returning.

Example using the Java API

Starting Resin 3.x with no deployable:

InstalledLocalContainer container = new Resin3xInstalledLocalContainer(
  new Resin3xStandaloneLocalConfiguration("target/resin3x"));


Example using the Ant tasks

Before being able to use the Cargo Ant tasks you need to register them against Ant. This is done by using the Ant <taskdef> element. See the Ant support page. The action to start the container is specified using the action="start" attribute as shown below.

Starting Resin 3.x with no deployable:

<cargo containerId="resin3x" home="c:/apps/resin-3.0.15" action="start"/>

Example using the Maven3 plugin

For the Maven 3 plugin, please read: Starting and stopping a container.

Other tips

Letting the started container outlive Codehaus Cargo's process

By default, the container started by Codehaus Cargo is linked to Codehaus Cargo's process; which means that once the Java process that has started the container is finished (be it via Java API, ANT or the Maven 3 plugin) the started container will also be killed.

In some cases, mostly if you want to use Codehaus Cargo as a "launcher script", you need the started container to "outlive" Codehaus Cargo's process, i.e. that the started container keeps running even after Codehaus Cargo itself has terminated. This can be achieved by simply setting the property GeneralPropertySet.SPAWN_PROCESS (or, in the Ant tasks or Maven 3 plugin, the cargo.process.spawn property) to true.

Note that this feature is only available for standalone containers (i.e., not for embeded containers).

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