WebSphere Liberty

WebSphere Liberty

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The Codehaus Cargo WebSphere Liberty container is also compatible with Open Liberty.

WebSphere Liberty 22.x onwards comes with multiple versions, some tagged as Java EE and others as Jakarta EE. Users of the Jakarta EE 9 versions should be aware that, as a result of the move from Java EE to Jakarta EE as part of the transfer of Java EE to the Eclipse Foundation, the primary package for all implemented APIs has changed from javax.* to jakarta.*. This will almost certainly require code changes to enable applications to migrate to EE 9 and later.

Container Features

Feature name

Java API

Ant tasks

Maven 3 plugin


Container Instantiation

(tick) ContainerFactory.createContainer("liberty"...)

(tick) <cargo containerId="liberty".../>

(tick) <containerId>liberty</containerId>


Local Container





  Container Classpath





  Container Start





  Container Stop





  Container Timeout





  Embedded Container





  Installed Container

(tick) o.c.c.c.liberty.LibertyInstalledLocalContainer




   Passing system properties










Remote Container





Configuration Features

Deployer Features

Feature name

Java API

Ant tasks

Maven 3 plugin


Installed Deployer

(tick) o.c.c.c.liberty.LibertyInstalledLocalDeployer




Embedded Deployer





Remote Deployer





Other Features

Feature name

Java API

Ant tasks

Maven 3 plugin







Supported Configuration properties

The tables below list both the general configuration properties as well as the container-specific ones.

Standalone Local Configuration Properties

For installed container o.c.c.c.liberty.LibertyInstalledLocalContainer

Datasource and Resource configuration

In addition to the forementioned properties, this container configuration can also set up datasources and/or resources.

For more details, please read: DataSource and Resource Support.

Tested On

This container is automatically tested by the Continous Integration system every time there is a code change.
The server used for tests is downloaded from: https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/com/ibm/websphere/appserver/runtime/wlp-javaee8/

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