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Users of Payara 6.x onwards should be aware that, as a result of the move from Java EE to Jakarta EE as part of the transfer of Java EE to the Eclipse Foundation, the primary package for all implemented APIs has changed from javax.*
to jakarta.*
. This will almost certainly require code changes to enable applications to migrate to Payara 6.x and later.
Container Features
Feature name |
Java API |
Ant tasks |
Maven 3 plugin |
Comment |
Configuration Features
Feature name |
Java API |
Ant tasks |
Maven 3 plugin |
Comment |
Deployer Features
Feature name |
Java API |
Ant tasks |
Maven 3 plugin |
Comment |
Adding arguments to the Deployer
The Payara installed deployer allows for additional deployment and undeployment arguments by adding properties prefixed with GlassFishPropertySet.DEPLOY_ARG_PREFIX
and GlassFishPropertySet.UNDEPLOY_ARG_PREFIX
respectively followed by a number starting at 1
Other Features
Feature name |
Java API |
Ant tasks |
Maven 3 plugin |
Comment |
Supported Configuration properties
The tables below list both the general configuration properties as well as the container-specific ones.
Standalone Local Configuration Properties
For installed container o.c.c.c.payara.PayaraInstalledLocalContainer
Property name |
Java Property |
Supported? |
Default value |
Javadoc |
N/A |
JAVA_HOME version:
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Datasource and Resource configuration
In addition to the forementioned properties, this container configuration can also set up datasources and/or resources.
For more details, please read: DataSource and Resource Support.
Existing Local Configuration Properties
For installed container o.c.c.c.payara.PayaraInstalledLocalContainer
Property name |
Java Property |
Supported? |
Default value |
Javadoc |
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
Runtime Configuration Properties
Before using the Payara remote deployer, please read: JSR88
For remote container o.c.c.c.payara.PayaraRemoteContainer
Property name |
Java Property |
Supported? |
Default value |
Javadoc |
N/A |
Recent versions of Payara might have issues getting deployables uploaded via JSR-88, resulting in errors such as:
Distributing failed: Action failed Deploying application to target server failed; File not found
Please follow the remote deployment instructions for recent Payara versions.
Tested On
This container is automatically tested by the Continous Integration system every time there is a code change.
The server used for tests is downloaded from: