Codehaus Cargo 1.7.11 is now available

Codehaus Cargo 1.7.11 is now available

Dear Codehaus Cargo enthusiasts

We are happy to announce a new corrective and slight improvement version of Codehaus Cargo 1.7.11, which comes with the below new features and bug fixes:

  • Containers - JBoss and Wildfly

    • [CARGO-1506] - Ability to define management-https.port for Wildfly and JBoss

  • Containers - Tomcat

    • [CARGO-1509] - Tomcat remote deployment (upload) doesn't work with Digest authentication

  • Containers - Wildfly

Please be aware that the fix for CARGO-1509 implies some changes in for the TomcatManager class: the previous methods which used InputStreams as input (for the deployable that needs tobbe uploaded) cannot handle the case where the same input has to be read twice (or more times), as it is the case for a Digest authentication (where two requests are sent: one to obtain the HTTP Digest challenge, the second to send the associated authentication headers). The updated methods hence have a File as parameter instead of InputStream, as a side effect, the new implementation avoids memory leaks

To try it out:


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