Codehaus Cargo 1.8.5 is here!

Codehaus Cargo 1.8.5 is here!

Dear Codehaus Cargo enthusiasts

A couple weeks after our last release, please give a warm welcome to Codehaus Cargo 1.8.5! This new version has many “under the hood” changes (in particular, around the dependency versions we use) and features the below improvements:

  • Extensions - Maven 2 / Maven 3 plugin

    • [CARGO-1543] - Added tomcat-dbcp to the embedded Tomcat container classpath

    • [CARGO-1501] - Mojos that are thread safe should be marked with the appropriate annotation so that maven can run parallel builds
      Note: Though Codehaus Cargo itself is thread safe, we would recommend to use this feature with great care: you are most likely using Codehaus Cargo to perform integration tests on containers, you might run into port number clashes when executing the containers in parallel if you’re not careful.

This will also be our last 1.8.x version, the reason being that the current Maven 2 / Maven 3 plugin (which behind the scenes is a Maven 2 plugin which Maven 3 can also use) will be removed and become a Maven 3 only plugin. This is quite nicely in line with the Maven 2.x end of life from November 2009.

To try out this latest version:
