Codehaus Cargo 1.9.10 is here!

Codehaus Cargo 1.9.10 is here!

Dear Codehaus Cargo enthusiasts

We are glad to announce that Codehaus Cargo 1.9.10 is now available! This version includes some new features:

  • Containers - JBoss / WildFly:

    • [CARGO-1577] - Provide an option to keep the original WAR file name when the JBoss or WildFly WAR file has the context root set in the jboss-web.xml file

  • Extensions - Ant:

    • [CARGO-1578] - Allow container configuration properties to be set using Ant build properties

  • Extensions - Maven 3 plugin:

    • [CARGO-1579] - Allow container configuration properties to be set using Maven build properties

To upgrade to this latest version:


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