Codehaus Cargo 1.7.3 is now available
Dear Codehaus Cargo enthusiasts
Slightly more than a month after our last release, we are happy to announce the immediate availability of Codehaus Cargo 1.7.3. This small release comes with the below new features and bug fixes:
Containers - Tomcat
[CARGO-1478] -
in some cases inTomcat8xStandaloneLocalConfiguration
Containers - WildFly
[CARGO-1481] - Add support for WildFly 16.x
To try it out:
Users of the Maven 2 / Maven 3 plugin simply need to use the Codehaus Cargo plugin version 1.7.3
Users of the Java API can download the new Uberjar from
Similarly, users of the ANT tasks can download the new ANT tasks from
Finally, the ones who want to see the Cargo Daemon can get it from and either use the WAR directly as an executable JAR or as a WAR file deployed on another Web container