Santa Claus presents ... Codehaus Cargo 1.4.17 :)


Dear Codehaus Cargo enthusiasts

As very few of us have been naughty over the year, Santa decided we can have our new version of Codehaus Cargo a bit earlier (smile)

So, we are happy to announce our latest version for 2015, version 1.4.17, is out. It comes with many bugfixes and small improvements:

  • We finally documented how to achieve multi-container configurations by combining our ANT tasks and Maven2/Maven3 plugin in a brand new Maven2/Maven3 archetype, closing three of our oldest JIRA entries [CARGO-421CARGO-541] [CARGO-572].
  • Containers - JBoss:

  • Containers - Tomcat:

    • [CARGO-1349] - The shared.loader property replacement creates wrong entries

    • [CARGO-1342] - Cannot perform remote deployment if Tomcat is behind Apache mod_proxy

    • [CARGO-1350] - Make the setting of the AJP port optional
  • Containers - WebLogic:
    • [CARGO-1251] - Replace weblogic.Admin with weblogic.WLST

    • [CARGO-1332] - Refactor WebLogic WLST script templates to be stored as Jython files

    • [CARGO-1344] - Weblogic WLST: add sample test artifact

  • Extensions - ANT:

    • [CARGO-1348] - The daemon-stop ANT task doesn't stop but rather attempt restart

To try it out:
