Importing sources
Importing sources
This tutorial explains how to import Cargo's sources into your IDE (Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA are covered).
- Start by checking out the Cargo sources - You can do that using the Git command line or GUI-based tools or your IDE Subversion feature.
- Install the latest version Maven 3. Make sure it's installed properly by typing
mvn --version
- Open a shell in the top level directory where you have checked out the Cargo sources.
For Eclipse users
- Type
mvn eclipse:eclipse
. This generates Eclipse files automatically. - Start Eclipse.
- Go to Windows|Preferences|Java|Build Path|Classpath Variables and add a
variable to point to your local Maven repository (usually in~user/.m2/repository
). See also the documentation on the Maven Eclipse plugin. - Select Import|Existing Project into Workspace. Point it to the top level directory of the checked-out Cargo sources. You should see something similar to the following figure:
Note: Maven supports a nested directory structure whereas Eclipse currently only supports a flat structure. The Maven Eclipse plugin creates an Eclipse project per Maven module (i.e. per directory containing a pom.xml
file). This means that directories with no pom.xml
will not be listed. This is a known issue with Eclipse and Maven. In the future the hope is that Eclipse will support nested project structure.
For IntelliJ IDEA users
- Type
mvn idea:idea
. This generates IDEA project files automatically. - Start IntelliJ IDEA.
- Select File|Open Project... and select the Maven-generated project as shown in the following figure:
, multiple selections available,
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