General directions
- Continue adding container support for dynamic deployments
- Support for JSR88 for containers who support it. We can use the JSR88 API to provide a common way of performing deployment/undeployment of WAR/EAR files in target containers.
More information on JSRs potentially useful for Cargo:
- JSR88: This specification defines standard APIs that will enable any deployment tool that uses the deployment APIs to deploy any assembled application onto a J2EE compatible platform. The API will address the three-stage deployment process:
- Installation - move the properly packaged components to the server
- Configuration - the resolution of all external dependencies declared by the application
- Undeployment - removal of the application from the server
Short term:
- Keep on ensuring that the containers support all versions, most notably that the newest versions are supported.
- Continue harmonizing the configurations of containers:
- Have local and remote containers implemented for all.
- Implement advanced functionalities, such as DataSource and Resource Support, on all containers.
Medium term:
- Improve container configuration generation so that strongly customizable configurations can be generated.
- Implement the ability to deduct configuration options directly from existing configurations -so that these "known" data is not entered twice. For example, this has already been implemented on Jetty.
Longer term:
- Continue adding container support for dynamic deployments
- Add support for different types of containers. One such support is for example provided by the Mule container (an independent, open source extension).
Tasks already planned to be implemented
See the JIRA roadmap.