Codehaus Cargo's new Web site is ready - So is version 1.4.14!

Dear Codehaus Cargo enthusiasts

As you might have heard, Codehaus is getting shut down. Obviously, it would be a pity to lose Cargo, so we took action to ensure its continuity:

We are also happy to present to you Codehaus Cargo's new version, 1.4.14. This version updates all references and pages to the new Web site, and comes with a small number of bug fixes and improvements:

  • [CARGO-1251] - Replace weblogic.Admin with weblogic.WLST
  • [CARGO-1312] - CargoDaemonServlet should load on startup
  • [CARGO-1313] - Add support for JBoss virtual-host statements
  • [CARGO-1315] - The undeploy command of the Jetty remote deployer doesn't work for WARs outside the webapps folder

To try it out:

We hope you enjoy our new features on our Web site, and of course also this new version of Codehaus Cargo!